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Challenge Sponsors

The challenge would not be possible without the support of our sponsors

Foil Drive

We are thrilled to have Foil Drive as a key sponsor for our expedition to foil around Britain. Foil Drive has generously provided us with their state-of-the-art battery-operated propeller systems, an invaluable addition to our journey.


We dont plan to use these to get us around Britain but as a safety backup should the wind drop and we are miles from a safe landing.  These advanced systems will give us around 10 kilometers, ensuring we can safely return to shore if the wind drops or in case of any emergencies. This crucial safety backup gives us peace of mind as we navigate the challenging and unpredictable coastal waters of the UK.


We are incredibly grateful for Foil Drive’s support. Their innovative technology not only enhances our safety but also empowers us to focus on our primary mission: raising funds and awareness for cancer research.


Thank you, Foil Drive, for being an essential part of our adventure. It’s an honor to have your support and to feature your cutting-edge systems on our foils.

Ultra Sport Europe Ltd

Gordon from Ultra Sport Europe has provided us with invaluable advice and guidance regarding on-water communication. We have been very impressed by the BBTALKIN system, which allows us to talk to each other without letting go of our boom. It works very well and is very intuitive to use. Gordon has helped us get set up with this system, for which we are very grateful. Ultra Sport provides a wide range of extreme sports equipment; check them out for all the best kit. 

Slingshot UK

After checking out the new wings from Slingshot, we both agreed that they were perfect for our trip. They have a wide wind range, and the new handles offer a lot of versatility, especially when going downwind. We contacted Ben from Slingshot UK, who provided us with a lot of great advice and support. We've decided to purchase 3 Slingshot wings to complete our collection for the trip, and we've been very impressed with them.

Moulded for your ears

Steve has a condition called Exostosis of the outer ear (Surfers' Ear) caused by prolonged exposure to cold water. He lost one of his custom earplugs, but Moulded Earplugs kindly replaced it to keep his ears protected during his hours spent in the water. Steve has tried many different earplugs, but only the moulded ones, specifically fitted to his ears, have worked for him. He is very grateful for their support.

NRS Europe

Steve and Simon will be using NRS drysuits for sections of the challenge.  These amazing Gore Tex Drysuits supplied by NRS will keep us dry and warm on long days on the water.  While a wetsuit is an option for warmer days they are not as effective out of the water exposed to wind.  We will also be taking on some remote sections of coastline where the added safety of a dry suit is essential.


Steve and Simon will be burning a lot of calories out foilling for long day and Decathlon have kindly supported the challenge by helping fuel them with bars for on the water.  It is hard to carry food on the water with limited space to carry anything and so they will need to rely on a variety of snack / protein bars to keep them moving.  Decathlon have also supplied 5 piece split paddles for a safety back up for more exposed sections of the coastline.

The Sign Shop Penryn

This amazing family run business has kindly supported the challenge by sign writing the van.  This will help increase awareness of the challenge and hopefully help us raise even more funds for Cancer Research UK.  

C-Skins Wetsuits

C-Skins have provided us with incredible support by providing wetsuits for the challenge.  These super comfortable and warm suits will be essencial for the many hours we are going to spend out on the water.

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